First ever successful dialysis for 93 year old female in Kerala

Mrs. Philomina, 93 year old female hailing from Kodungallur was unconscious when brought in to Renai Medicity’s Intensive Care Unit. Subsequent to her kidney failure, she had a high heart beat rate. Her blood urea, creatinine and potassium levels were also dangerously high. The only option in front was an immediate dialysis. Patient was immediately dialysed in the critical care unit itself by a team led by Dr. Sooraj Y. S, Renai Medicity’s Consultant Nephrologist, Toxicologist and Renal Transplant specialist. Successful dialysis of patient in this age was for the first time in Kerala. After the dialysis, Philomina’s heart beat became normal and was discharged after 7 days of hospital stay. With advanced equipment, facilities and expertise, age is not a constraint for dialysis. Said Dr. Sooraj.

Rebirth after cancer

My mother, Mrs. Lilly Joseph was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998. She had her first mastectomy in 1998 and the second one in 2011. In 2013, she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in her bones. By 2014 April, it spread to her other organs. She was bedridden. She had severe headaches, double vision, numbness in legs and body pain. She had been on pain killers for almost one year. Her diplopia (double vision) was due to the spread of breast cancer to brain. Her liver too had cancer that spread from breast cancer. Her entire bones, especially vertebral column also had spread of cancer from breast. We consulted several oncologists in Ernakulum. No one gave any hope of recovery. Some reputed oncologist in the city of Cochin just wanted palliative care in her case and asked her to undergo 5 days of palliative radiation to brain which actually worsened her condition to mere vegetative existence. Something looked beyond human control.

When we consulted Dr. Thomas in May 2014, he informed us that she was in stage 1V. A detailed evaluation of the pathology details and tumor biology details were done by Dr. Thomas and he convinced us that correct interference in the course of treatment with optimum, modern targeted treatment would work for her particular type of breast cancer, which proved the worth, to a real miracle.

With the right treatment approach under the strict medical supervision of Dr. Thomas Varughese, my mother could return to a quality life. He gave detailed explanation of the treatment options and implications time to time. We were able to take informed decisions on how to proceed. Now, 10 months later, she is free from pain. She is able to walk and do day to day tasks on her own. She also helps to take care of my 7 month old son! Her latest PET scan report says her metastases has been completely resolved! This is nothing short of a miracle!

I thank God for helping us reach Dr. Thomas at the right time. Dr. Thomas’ confidence and positive attitude has greatly helped my mother in her recovery. He always finds time to talk in detail about the symptoms, treatment progress and expectations. More than a doctor, he has been a comrade to my mother, in her fight with cancer.

A massive tumour weighing more than 10 Kgms successfully removed

Sreedevi, a 43 old female, who was differently abled due to contracting Polio at childhood had severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, inability to urinate and feeling abdominal fullness for many months. Her physician’s managed her abdominal pain with medicines. However, there was no relief that sustained. Her family physician then refereed her to Dr. Indu B. R, Renai Medicity’s consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Primary investigations suggested the presence of a tumour inside her abdomen. Detailed radiological investigations revealed that the extra ordinarily large tumour was inside her uterus. Sreedevi was admitted and the team led by Dr. Indu successfully removed the tumour weighing more than 10 Kilograms in a 3 hour long surgery. Such massive tumours and successful surgeries are very rare. Sreedevi was discharged after 8 days of hospital stay

Thyroid operation that saved life

K. B Thangam, 67 year old retired college professor from Edappally had little hope when she consulted Dr. Thomas. She had to undergo an immediate thyroid surgery to retain her life. She had been suffering from severe ankylosing spondylitis for the past thirty years with her back bone and neck unable to move at all and she was bedridden for long. Due to this condition of the neck, her thyroid surgery was declared as impossible by most of the surgeons. Knowing about Dr. Thomas Varughese’s unique technique of horizontal lateral thyroidectomy (Thomas technique) from an article, she gave a final try. The MRI revealed that the swelling was very huge. Dr. Thomas explained her the procedure of his unique technique, where the surgery is done through the side of the neck. Since the Thyroid swelling was huge (8×4.5×2.5 and 9x7x5), it was difficult to even administer anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was administered by Dr. Santhosh Mohan, viewing the vocal cord with a probe inserted through the nose. Dr. Thomas Varughese successfully operated the thyroid using his surgical innovation-horizontal lateral thyroidectomy (Thomas technique). Mrs. Thangam was discharged after 4 days of hospital stay. For a patient with immobile neck, using Thomas Technique, Thyroid surgery is no more impossible.

Scar-less thyroid surgery or minimally invasive open thyroidectomy or horizontal lateral thyroidectomy (Thomas Technique).

Traditionally, Kocher’s Thyroidectomy is the approach done for thyroid neoplasms for more than a century. This approach not only leaves behind a scar at the most exposed part of the neck, but also has several complications including nerve injuries, parathyroid deficiencies, haemorrhage and ugly scar in many cases. Clinical research with the aid of 3D digital interactive anatomy has paved way to an innovative approach to the commonest surgery done in the world, thyroidectomy, called scar less thyroid surgery or minimally invasive open thyroidectomy or horizontal lateral thyroidectomy (Thomas Technique). This is a surgical Innovation by Dr. Thomas and hence named as ‘Thomas Technique’. Currently Renai Medicity is offering this unique surgery at affordable cost. Patients could go home in 24 hrs and it’s a bloodless surgery avoiding transfusions. It takes care of the several complications described in Kochers’ surgery and cosmetically unique.

First Successful Laser Prostate Surgery

Renai Medicity’s Department of Urology, Andrology and Renal Transplantation introduced the most advanced Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP). This prostate surgery using LASER was successfully done for the first time in Kerala for a 54 year old patient hailing from Muvattupuzha. HoLEP is a latest minimally invasive surgical technology using LASER for prostate surgery which offers many advantages against the traditional method of Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Laser ablation can provide swift symptom relief and quick recovery and minimize the risk of damage to healthy tissue. It requires a short period of hospitalisation. HoLEP can be performed on men of any age with urinary outflow obstruction caused by an enlarged prostate.

Massive tumour removed from House wife’s chest wall

A tumour weighing more than 1 kilogram was successfully removed from a 45 year old housewife hailing from Kannur district of Kerala. The 4.5 hour long surgery was performed by a team led by Dr. Thomas Varughese, Renai Medicity’s Surgical Oncologist and Reconstructive Surgeon. Patient, Mrs. Renuka was suffering from severe breathlessness, persistent cough and difficulty in climbing steps etc for more than 6 months. She had consulted many doctors at various hospitals across the state prior to coming Renai Medicity. A detailed investigation revealed that the huge tumour had developed from thymus gland in mediastinum. It had pressed against a lung interfering with proper breathing. Also the tumour had pushed the heart completely to the right side. Under such circumstances, in a rare and complicated surgery, Dr. Thomas not only removed the tumour but also revived the lung that was non functional for more than a year. The patient was discharged after 9 days of hospital stay.

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