Rooms have been designed with a view to provide maximum comfort for patients as well as the attendant. Hygiene is the most important aspect for which the hospital gives top priority. The hospital makes it a policy to provide odour-free hospital environment. There are also facilities like the solar water heater, direct dialling facility from the room, Cable TV and air conditioning.

The Deluxe Rooms come with all the amenities needed to make your stay at Renai Medicity luxuriously comfortable, including supplementary facilities for your family and friends and greater privacy to make your stay a pleasurable one.

There are well furnished and fully air-conditioned Suites with separate bedroom and living area. Televisions, sofas, telephone, refrigerator and WiFi connectivity are available in Suites.

All rooms have several housekeeping services available, including regular linen changing, twice a day cleaning etc.

Choice of rooms include:

  • General Ward
  • Semiprivate Non AC Room
  • Semiprivate AC Room
  • Private Non AC Room
  • Private AC Room
  • Private AC Room with Balcony
  • Semi Deluxe Room
  • Semi Deluxe Room with Balcony
  • Deluxe Room
  • Deluxe Room with Balcony
  • Executive
  • Deluxe Executive
  • Suite
  • Deluxe Suite
  • Delivery Suite


Most of our beds are electronically operated for your comfort and convenience. Your nurse can help you understand all the functions of your bed and answer any questions you might have. Keep the side rails of your bed up for your safety.


Bathrooms are designed with a view to make it easy for patients to use it. The bathrooms will also have a nurse call button. A nurse will be available at the ring of the bell if the patient feels dizzy or needs help in getting to the bathroom or while in the bathroom. The commodes and other fixtures used in the bathrooms are of very superior quality and we have ensured running hot and cold water. Cleaning of bathrooms on regular intervals would ensure safe bathrooms at Renai Medicity.


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