Renai Medicity is well equipped to extend the medical services to the people abroad who opt for their treatment in God’s Own Country. With a back up of a booming hospitality industry, Renai’s entry into healthcare would provide the best options for the people who want to connect their travel with medical treatment.

Charting the travel and treatment programmes will be easy with Renai as we have a well-grown experience in the hospitality industry and our entry into the healthcare sector is with the experience of well known experts in the field. At Renai, the customers have a win-win situation.

Any treatment that can be planned in advance makes it an interesting proposition to come to Kochi to Renai. The patient either alone or along with family members can explore the beauty of Kerala in its full breadth and length through the coastal backwaters or through the evergreen forests in Idukki, Wayanad and Palakkad or meet up with the Western Ghats or take a coastal ride of Kerala. The exhilarating stay would prepare the patients for their treatment schedules with some of the best travel memories in mind.

Patients may also choose to take their treatment first and go to one of the Renai resorts for recuperation. The healthy air and healthy food would make healing with nature a pristine experience.

Operation Theatres

Our fourth generation Operation theatres are at par with the bests in the world.


There are more than 120 ICU beds for various surgical and medical specialties.

Health & Lifestyle

The fast pace of modern life leaves little time to keep a check on health.

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